Board of Directors

Board Of


Hans-Peter Vogt

Chairman of the Board of directors

Master of Business Administration and Law (St. Gall), Senior Executive Programme (Stanford), Executive Marketing Camp instead (Fontainbleau) Numerous senior positions on executive as well as board level in banking, private equity, real estate and investment funds. More than 25 years of professional experience

Patrick Allman-Ward, PhD

Patrick Allman-Ward, PhD

PhD in mining and geology (Imperial College, London) Senior executive with more than 40 years of experience as exploration geologist and manager, esp. within Shell Group and Dana Gas

Peter Krempin

CEO & Member of the Supervisory Board

Master in Finance and 13 years of experience in the Oil & Gas industry Senior executive with more than 40 years of experience as exploration geologist and manager, esp. within Shell Group and Dana Gas

Shefqet Dizdari

Member of the Supervisory Board

Faculty of Political and Juridical Sciences at the University of Tirana and the Military Academy of Force Reserve Former member of the Chief of Investigator’s Office in Albania. Renowned expert in legal and regulatory matters in Albania

Hannes Arnold, PhD

Member of the Supervisory Board

Executive Master of European and International Business Law (St. Gall) Senior Partner at Gasserpartner, expert in commercial and corporate law in Liechtenstein

Ingo Lange, PhD

Member of the Supervisory Board

MBA in international accounting (Münster), Phd in Corporate Finance (Rostock) Senior Partner at Gasserpartner, expert in commercial and corporate law in Liechtenstein

Hans-Peter Vogt

Chairman of the Board of directors

Numerous senior positions on executive as well as board level in banking, private equity, real estate and investment funds. More than 25 years of professional experience
Master of Business Administration and Law (St. Gall), Senior Executive Programme (Stanford), Executive Marketing Camp instead (Fontainbleau)

Patrick Allman-Ward, PhD

Vice Chairman of the Board of directors

Senior executive with more than 40 years of experience in the Upstream Petroleum Industry, especially within the Shell Group and Dana Gas (CEO)
PhD in mining and geology (Imperial College, London)

Peter Krempin

CEO & Member of the Board of directors

Senior executive, entrepreneur and founder of United Terra Enterprises
Master in Finance and 13 years of experience in the Oil & Gas industry

Shefqet Dizdari

Member of the Board of directors

Former member of the Chief of Investigator’s Office in Albania. Renowned expert in legal and regulatory matters in Albania
Faculty of Political and Juridical Sciences at the University of Tirana and the Military Academy of Force Reserve

Hannes Arnold, PhD

Member of the Board of directors

Senior Partner at Gasser Partner Attorneys at Law, expert in commercial and corporate law in Liechtenstein

Executive Master of European and International Business Law (St. Gall)

Ingo Lange, PhD

Member of the Board of directors

Corporate Finance and Project Management executive with more than 25 years of professional experience
MBA in international accounting (Münster), Phd in Corporate Finance (Rostock)